what if we weren’t afraid?

for how long
will we let fear ruin us?
the fear which we attain,
the fear which we raise,
the fear which we let live inside,
the fear which rules our lives,
the fear which lets us down,
the fear which grows its roots across our lives,
but what if we weren’t afraid?

the kid didn’t protest his father
he was too little and too weak,
the student didn’t recite his verses in class
he was too bond of discipline and rules of school,
the girl didn’t be a leader
she was too shy to get of her closet,
the boy didn’t leave his 9-6 job
he was too afraid to try what he want and fail,
the girl didn’t choose to be a singer
she was too afraid to fail,
the boy couldn’t her ask her out
he was dwelled with fear of rejection.

fear of failure,
fear of rejection,
fear of breaking norms,
fear of breaking rules,
fear of trying new things,
fear of dwelling on old state,
why do we raise fear?
why don’t we come out of our closet?
when is the right time
to let go of chains straining our dreams?
when will we live upto our expectations?
when will we regain our self-esteem?
there are a lot of questions
which can only be answered if we start getting control over our fear.

if we want to see ourselves somewhere,
at any time
at any place
within any situation
we have to start breaking the walls of fear
pin by pin
inch by inch
brick by brick
start moving ahead with delta progress
because if we don’t let go of fear
we will remain enslaved forever
fretting over small things
complaining about situation we get ourselves in
these are not the worth of time
we are giving in.

If we aren’t afraid
we won’t have to listen to anybody
we will listen to our guts
do what we should
do what we want to
we will fail
we will fall
but we will rise
we won’t have regrets
we will try
keep moving forward
we reach somewhere.
keep achieving new milestones.

the confused heart and the chaotic mind

nothing feels right
nothing feels wrong
with so many people around
still feel so alone
such is the situation with
the confused heart and the chaotic mind.

with so many options
and numerous floating situations
everything seems simple
everything seems complex
I want to get away from all the bad
but also
desire to grab all the good from each option
forgetting the fact
good comes with bad
rose comes with thorn.

why am I so confused?
for all the good things
I want to do
for all the bad things
I fear to face.

why do I feel so chaotic?
for the brainstorming
going in my mind
with all the mind maps
I am trying to create.

whatever the outcome may be
chaotic minds can bring a lot of change
confused heart will figure out the option
may have to travel a lot
here and there
to very distant place in search of peace
the curiosity will never die
the anxiety will try to dwell
but the living situation will bring light
and a way to go long way
such is the situation with
the confused heart and the chaotic mind.

the words we say

now and then

you say

but do you know

what you say

when you say

do you understand what others feel


do you really think so highly of you?

but anyway we say

what we think or think not

there are things

which we say

we don’t mean

but should we say

what we don’t mean.

should we think

what we have in our mind,

what we have in our heart,


what we utter from mouth

do our words match

our thoughts

our inside

when we let it go outside

words mean something to somebody

but not to hypocrite

to all the hypcrites

you say

what you say

you don’t mean

what you say

you are multi-faced creature

get away from me

there are words

which shower love

which show care

which float friendliness

which spreads harmony

but there are arrangement of letters

which brings hatred

which ignites fear

which drives destructive anger

which leads to war

but why do we choose such words?

do you mean

what you say


you just choose to say

what you say


you just say

for the sake


you think

what you say

because sometimes

even truth is not truer.

How did I come to these words?

What’s going inside my head?

it’s us who decide

what to say

what not to say.

do you say

what you say

I don’t understand

what you say

I don’t care

what you say

for you are a multi-faced

I care

what you say

for you are true from inside

you say

what you say

but do think

when you say.

P.S. : This is the second song I have written and this is a rap song 😀

the heart that keeps us alive

it’s a big world,
we are so small,
this little heart wants to walk all around,
and with so much to face remain standing tall,
it’s the heart
that keeps us alive

at the moment
we achieve anything,
for the reason
we work hard,
with the blessings
we fight for everything we have,
it’s the heart
which keeps pushing the limits,
motivates to higher ground,
brings us to different level,
keeps on beating,
thus keeps us alive.

for the moment
when we get smile from somebody
and feel ecstastic,
for the time
when we feel alone
and need to talk to somebody kinder,
for the good and bad
when we get confused with
what to do,
we go with
what heart let us feel,
pave the way further,
and keep us moving.

for the bad times
when it’s ripped apart,
for the good times
when it brings elation to life,
for the time
when we feel something inside
for family, friends and somebody, if any :D,
it keeps beating.

everything we love,
anything we hate,
anybody we expect,
the craziness we show for anything or anything,
the time we spend and make memories,
the things which I forget to write here,
the things which are too big to write,
the things which can’t be expressed in words,
everything start and ends with the heart
which keeps us alive.

‘ll meet you there

’twas dark
’twas grave
’twas silent
but the only thing one could feel
was the fear growing inside
’twas burial ground a mile ahead
heart was pumping hard
head was feeling the pressure
somebody came
and asked me to turn back
warned me I’d die
am not here
to survive
I said
there’s one field
life and death
it’s called living
I will meet your there 😀